Sandro Dumke

Estratégias de Felicidade

Décadas de experiência guiando pessoas como você para uma vida de sucesso.

Estratégia de Negócios Permanente é o meu programa de coaching com foco no crescimento em todas as áreas dos negócios e da vida. O objetivo é a liberdade que todo empreendedor sonha. Na minha carreira de treinador, até agora, testemunhei esses sonhos se tornarem realidade todos os dias.


Participantes do Workshop




Livros publicados


anos de experiência

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Como funciona?

(Uma Dica - é fácil!)

Meu último livro para crescimento pessoal

Foco, Eficiência, Produtividade

Depois de passar a maior parte da minha vida acreditando que tinha que deixar de lado minhas próprias necessidades para agir na carreira, finalmente percebi que não preciso escolher entre ser auto-organizado e criativo nos negócios. Saiba mais sobre isso no meu livro.

Minhas Palestras e Oficinas

Minhas recentes conferências em São Paulo e Porto Alegre

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Client Stories

See how I’ve helped others achieve their best.


Miranda Jennings, Orlando

Confidence is Everything

After spending most of my life believing that I had to put aside my own needs to take of others, I finally realized that I do not have to choose between being self-compassionate and compassionate to others.


Jack Reynolds, Minneapolis

Conecting the Right Pieces

After spending most of my life believing that I had to put aside my own needs to take of others, I finally realized that I do not have to choose between being self-compassionate and compassionate to others.


Karen Hart, Detroit

Opening Up to Public Speaking

After spending most of my life believing that I had to put aside my own needs to take of others, I finally realized that I do not have to choose between being self-compassionate and compassionate to others.

What do people say?

Testimonials from the folks who changed their lives – for better.

Joanna has been working with me for nearly a year now and what an eventful year it has been. Joanna’s guidance, support and honesty have helped me not only navigate some tricky life changes but have also helped me achieve some lifelong goals. I would recommend her coaching services to anyone - Thank you Joanna!
Mary Doolittle
Mother of 4
I trained to be a life coach with Joanna in 2017 and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done. She really made me believe I could do this and changed my life in the process. I now have a thriving business and I owe much of this to the input I’ve had from this dedicated, wonderful lady. I highly recommend Joanna’s services in coaching!"
Kelly Whitberg

Ready to Turn your life around?